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www.dhcustomrods.com – tell him onza04 sent ya, and you want the Pantom

About Dusty, stand up guy with amazing communication, MN based company, and best yet high-quality custom products.

Name: TBD (Currently called the Proto Pan)
-5″ cork
-Carbon Graphite blank (strong backbone, and SUPER sensitive)
-26″ length
-REC, Recoil guides are Nickle Titanium alloy (Nitinol) or NiTi
-Nitinol wire spring tip (The Nitinol wire used for the tip is specifically treated to react in the range of 15 degrees to -15 degrees so it will always remain straight)
-Custom wrap job
-Weight: .8oz
Cost $84.99+7.50 shipping (Uses USPS Priority, he breaks even here)

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